Meet Palms, a newly formed Los Angeles based quartet featuring three former members of Isis (Aaron Harris, Clifford Meyer and Jeff Caxide) with Deftones' vocalist Chino Moreno.

"Clifford, Jeff and I started Palms a little over a year ago out of a desire to continue making music together after Isis ended," explained Harris. "Chino joined shortly after and our sound took shape from there. We've worked really hard on this first release and are excited for people to hear it. It's nice to be back behind the drum kit, and with this line up."

"Being a huge Isis fan I've always dug the moods these dudes convey with their sound," added Moreno. "I am excited to combine my sense of creativity with theirs, and to have fun doing so."

Palms' debut album will be issued by Isis' former label, Ipecac Recordings, and is slated for a 2012 release with a release date to be announced soon. The album was recorded and mixed by Harris, and produced by Palms.

Watch Deftones' "Sextape" Video

Watch Isis' "In Fiction" Video

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