Profound Lore’s Chris Bruni on Buying CDs vs. Downloading
Profound Lore has earned a reputation as being one of the premier labels going right now, with a roster that features a wide range of potent underground metal. Despite the musical diversity amongst the PL bands, there is a commonality between them that may be helping to drive Profound Lore's success. "I think what bonds the Profound Lore bands all together," label head Chris Bruni told Noisecreep, "is that each artist has an astounding knowledge of music and art for that matter, and these artists just know the overall aesthetic on how music and art should be portrayed, no matter the expression."
Like many other labels struggling to exist in the digital age, Profound Lore has consistently been putting out releases with artwork and packaging as impressive as the music it holds. With that in mind, it would only make sense that if you wanted to support the label, you would stay away from iTunes, and instead go directly to the source and get the whole package.
"If a metal fan wants to actually buy and pay for an album," Chris explained, "and had the sole choice of buying an album off iTunes for $9.99 or buying the actual physical CD for a few dollars more, where they can have artwork and packaging, lyrics, etc. in their hands, I think they would prefer the latter. I personally think paying for a download is stupid anyway for the most part. I mean, it doesn't take that much effort to put a CD in your hard drive and copy it into your iTunes player."
Profound Lore has new releases out now from Alter of Plagues, Cobalt, Saros and The Devil's Blood. Noisecreep suggests you go and order one or more of them and stick them into your hard drive. It ain't that tough.