
It still seems surreal, did it really happen? Did we all just wake up to the knowledge that the brooding Peter Steele of Type O Negative died? Sadly it's all real. But out of grief, a light shines on how many Steele truly inspired over the years -- including ones you would have never expected -- like Constants, a band known for their heavy stargazing sonics. In paying tribute, the Bostonians have recorded a cover of the 'October Rust' classic 'Love You to Death,' which is available on their MySpace page.

"It's a song I've always wanted to record," vocalist/guitarist Will Benoit said via the band's blog, "and as a band we've been talking about doing for a while now. This recording is a nod of respect to Peter Steele, who in my opinion was one of the best and most under appreciated songwriters in rock history."

Benoit continued, "His sense of irony was unmatched, and I've always been surprised at how few people understand that. Type O Negative is one of the few bands that I've listened to for more than a decade, and I still look forward to hearing what they do next. Nothing helps me persevere through the bleak depths of winter better than 'World Coming Down' and 'October Rust.' Peter you will be missed."

Constants are currently prepping up for the release of their album 'If Tomorrow the War,' which was produced by Justin K. Broadrick (Jesu, Godflesh). Though no release date has been announced yet, two songs have been made available to stream from the band, and Benoit told us last year to expect the songs to be heavier and a little faster, and he wasn't wrong to tease us that way.

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