In celebration of World Goth Day (today, May 22), Type O Negative have released an official, band-approved AI (artificial intelligence) music video for the Dead Again hit "Halloween in Heaven."

The song was originally written in remembrance of late Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell. Now, in this new AI video created by Corinne Larre of Twisted Hooves Studio, Type O Negative honor a number of deceased legends, such as John Bonham, John Entwistle, Bon Scott, Randy Rhoads, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, George Harrison, Jim Morrison, Elvis Presley and, of course, their own Peter Steele.

Throughout the video, plenty of vampyric and religious symbols and figures make appearances and it all overwhelmingly screams Type O Negative.

Utilizing Type O' trademark sense of self-deprecating humor, guitarist Kenny Hickey enthuses, "An artificial intelligence video for an artificially intelligent band!"

Larre, who used AI technology to create the video, elaborates, "When Nuclear Blast asked me to make this video using artificial intelligence, I was eager to explore the thousand possibilities offered by this new technology. I ended up using a combination of two platforms: one that generated images and the other transforming said images into video."

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"The lyrics left the field open to a lot of experimentation, leading to this universe both eerie and kitsch, which I hope pays homage to the band," Larre continues, "The real challenge was the integration of legendary artists into this imagery. It's hard to explain to the A.I. the small details that make them unique as humans. In the end, hundreds, even thousands of iterations must have been made for this video!

Speaking about the controversial nature of using AI, Larre adds, "As an artist, I think it is necessary to remain humble when using artificial intelligence as the topic has quite rightly caused some ethical debate in the creative world. In my opinion, these creations should not be seen as artistic works in their own right, but as the first steps of a technology that will revolutionize audiovisual creation in the coming years."

PLAYLIST: Ultimate Goth Metal (over 175 songs, listen/follow here)

Watch the AI video for "Halloween in Heaven" below and celebrate World Goth Day!

Type O Negative, "Halloween In Heaven" - Official AI Music Video

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