Zoroaster, ‘Odyssey’ — Video
Sure Zoroaster can be called doom metal, but they've never fit too snugly into the genre tag, despite their undeniable low and slow riffs. The psychedelic experimentations have always shifted the Atlanta three-piece into formidable new sonic territories. The band's first video from their triumphant E1 debut, 'Matador' -- named after an old car of bassist Brent Anderson -- continues the idea that Zoroaster's sound can't be compared; it can only be immersed in.
'Odyssey' takes the reverb and effects-laden textures that were first introduced on 2009's 'Voice of Saturn' and refines them. Directed by Chad Rullman, who was the eye behind the lens for clips from Mastodon and Neurosis, this might be the first video to truly capture the dark, trippy experience of their live show's sensory overload.
Zoroaster are hitting the road on Sept. 9 with psych metallers Nachtmystium, Dark Castle and the Atlas Moth for a run that will take them into October.