Khann Fight Fear of Drowning on ‘Downward’ — Song Premiere
Khann's Andrew LaCour is the brother of Trap Them's Steve LaCour. He is also a forward-thinking musician, which certainly shows in the band's output.
Noisecreep is pleased to premiere the noisy and nasty 'Downward,' a key track from Khann's upcoming album 'Erode.'
Listen to 'Downward'
LaCour recently told Noisecreep about the song's rhythmic origin. "I wrote 'Downward' on bass initially, just to have a different perspective on the composition," he said. "It's also the second song we wrote for 'Erode.' It definitely is one of the best showcases for each instrument to shine. Once we hit this song in recording, it really set off the feel for the album."
Lyrically, the song is straightforward, at least according to LaCour. "The lyrics are extremely cut and dry," he said. "It's all based on the image of being held underwater by infinite hands. Every time you pull one away, it's instantly replaced with another. So in the end, you say 'F--- it' and swim straight down in acceptance, or you continuously fight the fear of drowning. It's the realization that no matter what, something is forcing you under, and it always will until you come to terms with what you're given. Paradoxical, but cathartic."
LaCour also gave us a bit of a history lesson on Khann. "Throughout the history of the band, our goal has always been to push the boundaries of our music, blending elements of melody and abrasiveness to capture a sound that is unique," he said. "We've always wanted to have something fresh and different that doesn't lend itself to any particular trend. Since the formation [of the band] we've undergone massive lineup changes and a musical growth toward honing in on a more mature sound. The product has been a tighter-knit group of people, which has significantly influenced the emotional context of 'Erode.'
"The songs are built on structures and dynamics intended to ebb and flow in and out of intensity. We felt a strong purpose in having each one tell it's own story from beginning to end, with the musical flow paralleling the lyrical content. The basic theme of the album is the erosion of self. We portray the band's progression through an idea: as things wear away, they present new layers that may be more simplified but are also more profound. 'Erode' narrates situations that are both personal and general, that carry the same theme of falling apart to reach an absolute. We've eroded as a band to come to this point and we've watched the erosion of everything around us, in relation to our musical and personal environments."
That's deep stuff, but Khann certainly aren't without their lighthearted moments. "Josh paints and writes. I draw, write, and work with carpentry. We're all pretty bad-ass cooks. Jake's a shredder on a skateboard. Zach is an exceptional hairstylist. Finally, Ben is quite possibly the most clumsy human being on the face of the earth, so make sure you bring him something fragile to hold when you come to our shows. We'll all have a laugh."
Watch the video for 'Anodynic Spheres (live)'