Black Dahlia Murder Deliver an Ape, a Goat + Fake Slash for ‘Goat of Departure’ Video
Leave it to Black Dahlia Murder to inject a little -- actually, make it a lot of -- humor into a blackened death metal video. The clip in question is for 'Goat of Departure' and the Detroit-set video is quite the madcap adventure, so strap yourselves in.
Here's a checklist of what to look for: A Slash doppelganger. Yes, that Slash, the former Guns N' Roses guitarist. A fake, plush ape. The band performing in a packed crowd while decked out in tuxes. The members of BDM doing weird stuff like hanging upside down, riding bikes and running amok in the Motor City.
What does it all add up to? Truth is, we have no idea. We're not sure what's going on throughout much of the video for 'Goat of Departure' and it's likely the band doesn't know either. It is, however, a true departure from your average heavy metal video. It'll at least make you giggle and leave you with more questions than answers.
Vocalist Trevor Strnad said, "It's our pleasure to release our latest exercise in music video stupidity to you all at long last ... We'd like to thank Guiness the Goat for penciling us in and all of the rabid TBDM fans for getting wild with us. Press the play button and embrace the glory of the goat!"
He's right about that -- TBDM fans do get wild. Notice the girl in the really cropped top which reads "DETROIT SUCKS." 'Goat of Departure' appears on the Black Dahlia Murder's latest album, 'Everblack.'
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