The Chariot Didn’t Blow Up Our Office — VIDEO

Not too long ago, the fellas from The Chariot stopped by our Manhattan offices to discuss a number of topics, including what life is like for them out there on the road, the challenge of pressing and packaging your own albums, and the reaction audiences have had to the band's gut-punching live shows.
But perhaps the funniest moment during the interview comes a little after the three-minute mark, when frontman Josh Scogin and bassist Jon "KC Wolf" Kindler recount the morning their new album, 'Wars and Rumors of Wars,' was released. They celebrated, inside a speeding van, by blowing off some fireworks.
"I was drinking Cokes and one thing led to another and next thing I know, I got a lighter in my hand and a [firecracker] in the other hand and I'm like, 'Well I can't not,'" says Scogin. "It's not a good story to be like, 'We almost lit it.' And so, I lit it." Watch the entire clip to find out just what happened after the fuse was sparked.
Noisecreep Test
Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
Mastodon at Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
Mastodon at Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
Crowd at Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
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Brian Manley for Spinner
Neurosis at Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
Crowd at Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
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Brian Manley for Spinner
Baroness at Scion Rock Fest 2009 held at the Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, February 28, 2009
Brian Manley for Spinner
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