Peace’d Out: I Am the Avalanche, Rx Bandits Members Unite in the Name of Hardcore (LIVE VIDEO PREMIERE)
Featuring Vinnie Caruana (I Am the Avalanche, the Movielife), Steve Choi (Rx Bandits), Casey Deitz (The Velvet Teen) and Roger Camero (No Motiv), Peace'd Out deliver spastic hardcore of the highest order. Yes, it's the kind of stuff that brings to mind those fantastic records released by labels like Hydra Head and Trustkill in their earlier days.
Peace'd Out released their debut recording late last year, a self-titled EP, through Siren Records.
Noisecreep has partnered with Peace'd Out (how cool is that name?!) to bring you an exclusive live video performance of "Castlemania," a track off the EP. "We almost broke our human suits making this video," guitarist Choi tells Noisecreep.
Watch 'Castlemania' Live Performance Video
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Wasn't that the shit? Pick up a 10" vinyl copy of the Peace'd Out EP at this link and head over to for more info on the band.