Jeremy Saffer
Jeremy Saffer

Up until now, Iron Thrones was a self-produced and fully DIY band, but all that changed ... actually that hasn't changed. However, the Minnesota band got to taste the good life for a bit when they won Scion and Metal Insider's No Label Needed contest earlier this year. 'I Once Had the Crown' is the longest song on 'The Wretched Sun,' which comes out July 27, but the 11-minute-plus song breathes gigantic destruction even with an almost poetic jazz opening.

"We didn't do it on the last record, but on this one we just kind of jammed on a couple of things," guitarist Steve Henningsgard told Noisecreep, revealing that the epic 'I Once Had the Crown' was a product of those jams. "That song was kind of difficult to write just because when you're trying to write something that long you have to keep it interesting but still lay back enough to give the parts their due."

Listen to 'I Once Had the Crown'

"You have to take the listener with you," Henningsgard explained further his approach to the longer songs. "Especially on a song that long -- it's a delicate balance. If one thing is too long or it doesn't tie in, it takes you out of the song and you're done. It's like watching a movie and all of a sudden an actor you've seen before in a completely different role comes in. 'Whoa! I remember them from this. Whoa, I'm sitting in a movie theater. Crap, the experience is over.'"

Part of the foursome's prize was to have their album produced by Will Putney (Suicide Silence, Four Year Strong). While Henningsgard couldn't be more taken back by the sound of the album, not playing the role of artist and producer was a new experience for him. "It was difficult for me because I'm used to being in complete control. And it's not that I think that I'm better than anyone; it's hard to get an idea for something and then have someone else say its going to be something else. It takes time for your brain to rearrange who's in charge of what," the guitarist, who is a producer himself, explained.

"My first reaction for part of it was to shut down and just play. For the first couple of days it was a really stressful experience for all of us; we're used to doing everything ourselves and not listening to anyone else. It's part of the reason we have gotten anywhere I think."

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