Iron Maiden Drummer Nicko McBrain’s Wife to Face Battery Charges
Rebecca McBrain, wife of Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain, will head to court on May 3 to face the bizarre allegations that she tried to stab a man with a decorative lance. When her attempts to stab him didn't work, she resorted to launching logs at him from her home in Boca Raton, Fla. The logs were situated in a fire pit behind the house and made contact, causing some minor injuries. We know, weird.
Mrs. McBrain, 50, was arrested on Feb. 24 and charged with battery. She was released on bond.
Initial reports indicated that the victim was her husband, but that report has since been clarified to reveal that the identity of the man who was attacked has not been confirmed at press time.
McBrain has entered a "not guilty" plea. It is not clear what set her off to the point of trying to stab someone.
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