Now that SoCal post-hardcore stalwarts Thrice have wrapped their farewell tour, Dustin Kensrue is free to follow spiritual pursuits. As the singer and deacon explains on the Mars Hill Church website, he believes he's been called by god to move his family to Bellevue, Wash., and take on a larger role within the evangelical megachurch.

"For the past few years, I have felt a growing burden and calling to invest more and more of my time and efforts towards worship music," Kensrue writes. "This seemed strange at first, since I don't actually listen to any worship music and have never been very much of fan of most the music sung in churches. But God slowly began to show me that he had specifically gifted and uniquely trained me to enter into this fray and fight to make a difference."

Kensrue and his family previously worshipped at Mars Hill's Orange County, Calif., location, but after Pastor Thomas Hurst asked him to take the helm of the new Mars Hill Music initiative, as well as help coordinate the ministry across churches, he opted to make the move north.

It wasn't easy, he Kensrue admits, but after visiting Bellevue and praying on the decision, he felt it was something he needed to do.

"From the beginning we had been ready to do whatever the Lord called us to, and now that it was clear, we started packing up and put our house on the market," he writes. "God faithfully has provided a buyer for our home and a great new home to lease in Bellevue. Despite the hardships of moving and the sorrows of leaving loved ones behind, we have been growing in excitement day by day, looking forward expectantly to the see the story unfold that God is so clearly writing."

Speaking of writing, a journalist for the Orange County Register claimed in a recent piece that pressure from Mars Hill is what led to Kensrue to bust up Thrice, reports.

Responding via Twitter, Kensrue took issue with the article.

"I could care less if it reflects poorly on me, just bummed that it affects people I love, in my band, at my church, & Christians in general," he tweeted.

Watch Thrice's 'Stare at the Sun (Live)' Video

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