The Wonder Years Frontman Reflects on a Year of Tireless Touring
The Wonder Years are certified road dogs.
As vocalist Dan "Soupy" Campbell told Noisecreep backstage before one of the last shows on the Pop Punk's Not Dead Tour, by the end of the year the Lansdale, Pa. pop punk troupe will have been away from home more than 260 days.
But The Wonder Years play it carefully during the winter time. "We will not tour this winter in a van," Campbell laughed – "We do not want to die in a van band accident!" The frontman went on to describe how this past year started with a cross-country drive to California to record the new The Wonder Years album, then they flew to Australia, followed that with the Warped Tour, then they drove across the country again and will return to the UK before a break for the holidays at home.
The band has been out in support of 'Suburbia, I've Given You All and Now I'm Nothing,' their third album since forming in 2005.
And as much of a blur as the travel may have been, Campbell says he still found plenty of time to write on the road – albeit in an abbreviated manner. "I keep little cell phone notes," Campbell said. "Maybe I'll jot down the word 'Buffalo' or something and when I look at it later I'll have a sense of what lyrics should extend from that."
Campbell added that on this latest tour with headliners New Found Glory, he's enjoyed that fans are singing along more to the new songs than the old. "Some kids will have seen us play certain songs 25 times so it's good to seem them enjoying the newer, fresher stuff. I feel right now, as always, we're big on making honest music about ourselves that ties in who we are as people. So now matter how much we have to tour, we're really proud to play our stuff."
The next six months, Campbell says, will include lots of touring of course - not in a van for a few months, but planes – lots and lots of planes. "We've got some fun tours coming up," he added, "But it will be hard to beat touring with our friends from New Found Glory. We've always looked up to these guys and so touring with them is an awesome experience."
Our readers in Europe can check out The Wonder Years on tour with Yellowcard and Saves the Day:
November 29- Institute- Birmingham, United Kingdom- SOLD OUT
November 30- Academy 2- Manchester, United Kingdom
December 01- Forum- Amsterdam, Netherlands
Watch The Wonder Years' 'Came Out Swinging' Video