In September of last year, the first installment of Ghost's (Ghost B.C.) 'Papaganda' series was revealed. The video stripped away the paint of frontman Papa Emeritus II, showing the leader's "face" much like in the 'Year Zero' music video.
Ghost B.C. (Ghost) are constantly inciting their fans with little surprises. The Satanic cult was recently in Australia to play the iconic Big Day Out festival tour, but somewhere along the way, singer Papa Emeritus II took off his makeup for a special three-song performance.
‘And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.' Revelation 12:9. In other words, Ghost B.C. (Ghost) have just announced a new string of North American tour dates!
It's one of the hottest rock tickets of the fall and we want you to be able check out Avenged Sevenfold up close and personal. Loudwire and Noisecreep have teamed up with A7X to give you the opportunity to win a pair of tickets to the show of your choosing on the band's fall trek.