Orgy’s Jay Gordon Talks About Reforming Group, Stirs Up Drama
Orgy frontman Jay Gordon posted a Facebook message about his desire and intent to reform the group with new members and that turned into a real s--t stirring session on Facebook.
His comments lead to some back-and-forth drama from his former participants in the Orgy. Got 10 minutes to sift through the nonsense? Grab some popcorn, pull up a chair for a Facebook ringside seat. We think you'll come out the other side realizing that no one in the Orgy camp is in the same book, much less on the same page. They're not even in the same library, it seems. Total communication disconnect!
Gordon first wrote this Facebook post: "I'm not saying I wouldn't consider playing with the all original lineup at some point, and there has been correspondence between the [other] original members and myself. This situation is a good thing, and not intended to piss anyone off or anything. I have spoken to Amir [Derakh, guitar] and Bobby [Hewitt, drums] about the situation, and neither seemed to be angry in any way. Bobby is making movies, and Amir and Ry [Ryan Shuck, guitar] are doing Julien-K. I am friends with all of the Orgy cast, so please don't trip. I will keep everyone posted as I know more. Thanks for being UNDERSTANDING..."
Turns out that's just Gordon's side of this story and Derakh aren't and Shuck aren't exactly on board with what Gordon proclaimed. Like not even a little.
Derakh also used social media to get the message across and clearly there is some sort of communication breakdown here. Derakh wrote: "We have always stated that we are only interested in doing a reunion under these conditions. We are all grown ups here and can do this ourselves.
"We only had two conditions:
"1) To have AS MANY of the original members involved as possible.
"2) That Lou Gordon not be involved. [Note: Lou is Jay's father]
"Ryan & I have stated MANY times that we will MAKE TIME to do this!
"I don't understand why this is still being used an an excuse. If this is planned out properly we can do it people! Really!
"Honest truth is they don't want us to be apart of it... I also reached out last weekend by text message to Jay to try and set up a phone call for us to talk. I got a very long message on Facebook instead. Jay asked me not to re-post any of it and I am respecting his request.
Thanks for reading this guys, Amir."
Shuck then weighed in similarly, saying that the actual band is not okay with any of this reformation and compared Gordon to Axl Rose, who carried on without his original bandmates to much fanfare and controversy since he owned the band name could do as he pleased. Gordon also owns the Orgy name, so the comparison isn't exactly far-fetched.
He wrote: "We have told Jay for five years that we would be happy to do the REAL ORGY - with ALL the original members, and all the original unique gear that makes ORGY such an amazing live act. NO - we are not 'too busy' to do ORGY.
"In fact, for the 20th time at least, our agent approached us to possibly do ORGY BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR, and Amir and I said 'YES,' if it's the REAL ORGY. Not a hybrid, no impersonators - Jay, Paige, Bobby, Ryan and Amir. The real band. We have too much respect for what we all created TOGETHER to stand by and watch it turn into a COVER band that goes out and fools our fans into buying tickets thinking they are going to see the REAL band ORGY. ORGY is a BAND. That's why it's cool. It isn't a person.
"I will have a lot more to say this week, on every outlet available to me. In the meantime, we are somehow going to fit a DEAD BY SUNRISE show into our 'busy' schedules.... somehow Chester Bennington, a truly big rock star, easily works in LINKIN PARK and DEAD BY SUNRISE - weaving in between JULIEN-K and all the other stuff we do... Its not an "either/or" situation... We can do EVERYTHING - IF Jay actually wanted to. Somehow... we went around the world four times in the last year and a half... and still had MONTHS and MONTHS off. Weird. If the REAL ORGY wanted to tour, we could have scheduled it.
"I'm sick of repeating myself."
All of this drama elicited a response and post from Gordon. The Orgy dudes really are airing their dirty laundry in public.
Gordon's retort was as follows: "Hey everyone, just so everyone is clear, I'm not gonna feed into any negativity, and want each and every one of you to know, that I respect all of your opinions, individually and collectively.
"This will serve as my only response to any of the discord between myself and the other members of the original lineup.
"With the good comes the bad, and not everyone will agree, as we all know. All you can do is keep your head up, and move forward. That's all that is being done on my end, with no animosity, or guilt, for lack of trying.
"Things like this are hard for people to accept, and for those who are disappointed, I apologize.
"Quite frankly, I'm a little baffled, as I offered Julien-K a co-billing on the tour, and thought it would be cool if we could all get up there, and play a few songs with most of the original members at the end of each show. If that is not a sign of respect, I don't know what is. I have performed with them on stage to promote their efforts, without hesitation.
"Believe what you must, but I am not trying to make anyone else look bad in order to make myself look good, that's for sure. "In the grand scheme of things, making music, shouldn't be this political. I never started ORGY to become a politician, nor do I have any intention of acting like an asshole behind close doors, and throwing up fake-ass, pageant waves to the people, to appear to be something I'm not. I'm just trying to go out and have some fun. That's what I enjoy doing, and I can only hope the same goes for everyone else.
"That being said, I am looking forward to seeing all of you on the road at some point very soon!"
What a mess! A hot, sticky mess.
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