Motley Crue ‘Dirt’ Movie Back on Track?
Motley Crue came clean when they released 'The Dirt' in 2001. The book -- told from the first-person view points of all four Crue-sters -- was like an anti-Boy Scouts manual. It detailed, in almost uncomfortable fashion, the bulls---, the babes, the brouhahas and the battles that the band endured with one another during their rise to fame as one of the biggest and brightest bands of the '80s glam scene.
The band has been trying to translate the metal memoir into a film for quite some time, and word is that those plans are being exhumed. However, VH1 reports that vocalist Vince Neil isn't sure what the hell is going on with 'The Dirt,' and he seems to think Crue fans can exercise some more patience.
"I don't know. You know, this is funny because I keep on hearing these rumors that it's going to happen now but, like I tell everybody else, I'm always the last to know," Neil said. "So I'm hearing these rumors, I don't know any specifics of it, I don't know really anything about it. If it gets made, great, if it doesn't ... People have been waiting 10 years so I'm sure they can wait a little bit longer."