There is a heavy metal yoga class being offered at Tough Love Yoga in Atlanta. Wait, heavy Isn't the point of yoga to relax, chill out and get in touch with your inner self without loud noises or interruption? Hey, what do we know? The class description read as follows: "Listen to metal. Do yoga. Melt your face off in a very relaxing and healing way." It's an affordable exercise at just $10.

Watch Heaven & Earth's somewhat hedonistic video for "No Money, No Love." The risque, raunchy and rowdy video features performance footage of the band, along with that of an old hotel populated midgets, magicians, and scantily clad, sultry women. Sounds like a party to us.

Watch 'No Money, No Love' Video

Cathedral's The Last Spire drops April 30, but you can listen to "Tower of Silence" now by going here.

Even to Adam have released the new song "Straitjacket Supermodel." The song was inspired by the TV series Dexter. The band said, "We wrote a song that we envisioned would play in Dexter's head as he prepares to kill. The song is still ETA, but with a more modern edge. It's Eve to Adam 2.0." It's also Eve to Adam, Dexter-ized.

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