August Burns Red’s ‘Constellations’ Album Was Farm Raised
"We practice and write in a barn," August Burns Red guitarist J.B. Brubaker told Noisecreep. "We're from Lancaster County, Pa., which is very rural. Our drummer's father has a big farm and fields, and we just started practicing in one room of the barn and then moved into a bigger room. Our friends had gotten permission from our drummer's father to build their practice space. They broke up, so then we took over the space. That other band put in all the light work and stuff, but we just took over. Maybe we were just too lazy to get out the hammer and nails and do something like that ourselves. We squeezed into whatever space we could at first and then when we saw the barn space, it was way cooler and more accommodating so we made the switch."
August Burns Red don't have to worry about bugging the cows or the neighbors with their loud racket, though. "There aren't cows on the farm," Brubaker said. "Just crops and fields. They did have chickens at one time, but there are no more animals to disturb. We are not close to residences, either."
While there's no livestock, there is hay and lots of straw in the barn, though. Brubaker said, "There are bales of straw and a sign on the road that says 'Buy Hay Here!' We have had people poke their head in while we are practicing, because they come to buy some straw."
Despite how rural and quaint things sound, Brubaker insisted ABR's practice space and situations "is not as 'Little House on the Prairie' as it sounds!"
August Burns Red's 'Constellations' is out now via Solid State.