For one day only, the Yankees won't be the biggest deal in the Bronx. That's because tomorrow evening Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax, will be invading Yankee Stadium for their long-awaited East Coast Big 4 concert. Undoubtedly an honor for all of the musicians performing, it will be an especially poignant moment for the members of Anthrax.

The New Yorkers never dreamed that the home of their beloved Yankees would ever open its doors to their brand of propulsive thrash. Anthrax drummer and Bronx native Charlie Benante plus Queens-bred rhythm guitarist Scott Ian stopped by Noisecreep's West Coast studio to talk about the upcoming performance. As you'll see in the video, the metal veterans are thrilled to be able to share the once-in-a-lifetime experience with their families.

Watch Anthrax Talk About Their Upcoming Yankee Stadium Big 4 Performance

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Anthrax just released 'Worship Music,' their 10th studio album. Pick it up at this link.

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