White Noise: News on Slipknot, Rob Zombie, Bane, Korn, Marduk and More
Do you think most true metalheads want to visit Sweden at some point? Lately, I've been thinking about taking a trip. But where? Not really jazzed about going to some resort and sitting in the sun all day ... black clothing attracts heat. I'm not so interested in taking too long a plane ride. So I started thinking ... Sweden. I Googled Sweden, and checked out images from the home of some of the best metal bands ever, and I'm thinking I might want to go see it in person. Do other metalheads dream of such trips? Perhaps Norwegian jaunts? Let us know in the comments section below, especially if you're a metalhead who's already been. Anyway, so today's White Noise is filled with tour dates, band notes and other related information. But you already knew that, didn't you, faithful reader?
+ After canceling a ton of upcoming shows, it seems Slipknot will be back on the road sooner than we thought. Bassist Paul Gray says in a statement that while they're sorry for the show cancellations, but that "there are personal issues in the band that need to be taken care of for us to continue touring." He also adds that drummer Joey Jordison, who, according to reports, underwent treatment for a burst appendix, is not dead -- and is doing OK. The band hasn't canceled its October tour, and hopes to make up the shows they had to nix at that time.
+ The track listing for Dead By Sunrise's debut album, 'Out of Ashes,' has been revealed. The band, which features Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, will issue the disc on Oct. 13, and it will contain a dozen songs, including 'Inside Of Me,' 'Give Me Your Name,' and 'In The Darkness.'
+ A new Marduk song, called 'Phosphorous Redeemer,' is streaming over on the band's MySpace page. The track comes from the band's 11th studio album, 'Wormwood,' which also drops Oct. 13. Marduk will also head up a tour with Nachtmystium, Mantic Ritual, and Merrimack that kicks off Nov. 20 in Worcester, Mass. That tour winds down Dec. 16 in New York.
+ Rob Zombie has been busying himself lately with film. But did you know the dude plans on releasing a new record in November. He recently revealed the news to Howard Stern. "Still figuring out the title," he said. "The release date is Nov. 10. It's a great record. It's probably my favorite record ever, because for the first time since like the last White Zombie record, I made a record with a band. You know, all my solo records have been real solo records, like, you know, there's pictures of people on the record but they didn't play on the record. This has been the same four guys now for four years and it's all of us really, we really were in a room jamming and making something, and more special things come out that way."
+ Alaskan metallers 36 Crazyfists will release their first live DVD, titled 'Underneath A Northern Sky,' on Oct. 27. The effort will include footage of the band's first few shows, as well as behind-the-scenes footage, interviews and other live material.
+ Bane, Foundation, Blacklisted and Trash Talk will be touring together this fall. The trek gets underway in Albany, N.Y. on Sept. 25, and it runs through Oct. 25 in Springfield, Mass.
+ Living Sacrifice will return on Nov. 3 with a new album called 'The Infinite Order.' As I Lay Dying singer Tim Lambesis says, "You can hear Living Sacrifice's legacy in the entire generation of bands who've come after them. And those bands still haven't caught up." If that doesn't get you to buy the record, what will?
+ You've probably seen this already, but Mutiny Within frontman Chris Clancy likes opera.
+ Finally. A reason to join Korn's fanclub. The band will be releasing a series of free, exclusive digital EPs four times a year ... to those who become premium members of their official website. The first will be released early next month and will feature a rough instrumental demo of a new track from the band's forthcoming album, as well as other previously unreleased tracks.
+ The Sword's song 'Celestial Crown' will be featured on the soundtrack to the new Diablo Cody flick, 'Jennifer's Body.' You know, the movie where Megan Fox gets nude and kills dudes? The Sword are the only band on the soundtrack worth the ink, so if you already own the band's records, you won't be needed this one.
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