Earlier this year, Chicago-hailing extreme metallers Nachtmystium entered a recording studio to begin tracking the follow-up to 2008's 'Assassins: Black Meddle Part I' under the vigilant eyes of Minsk producer Sanford Parker. On June 8, Century Media will release that effort, called 'Addicts: Black Meddle Part II.'

Band founders Blake Judd and Jeff Wilson enlisted Wrest of Leviathan and Lurker of Chalice to lay down all of the album's drum tracks, as well as Will Lindsay from Wolves in the Throne Room, who took care of bass duties for the record.

"Our love for post-rock and industrial (a la Ministry, Killing Joke, etc.) is even more present this time around," promises Judd, adding that there's more of a rock and roll edge to the next album. "We're hoping to make a record that will continue to push extreme music into uncharted territories."

Starting June 3 in Orlando, Fla., Nachtmystium will be hitting the road with New Orleans sludge metallers Eyehategod, Withered, Strong Intention, Black Tusk, Brutal Truth, Tombs, Howl, Black Anvil and the Atlas Moth for a trek that runs through June 20 in Chicago.

'Addicts: Black Meddle Part II' track list

1. 'Cry for Help'

2. 'High on Hate'

3. 'Nightfall'

4. 'No Funeral'

5. 'Then Fires'

6. 'Addicts'

7. 'The End is Eternal'

8. 'Blood Trance Fusion'

9. 'Ruined Life Continuum'

10. 'Every Last Drop'

11. 'Macrocosmic' (vinyl-only track)

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