Five Finger Death Punch Bassist Chris Kael Urges Haters to ‘Be Original’
Five Finger Death Punch's Chris Kael has a tip for haters ready to unleash their vitriol on an artist. "Be original."
The bass player doesn't want to stop haters. Just improve their insults. "I love it," Kael mused to Metal Injection about online shit-talking on Tuesday (July 12).
"I get the shit-talking," he continued. "Growing up, we didn't have social media, and it was us talking to one another. This is just another form of talking to friends, shit-talking bands and whatnot that you don't like. It's much easier to get on the computer and do it now, and for people to hear that kind of stuff."
The rocker added, "So I get it. I love it."
Kael continued, however, "Talk shit all day long. Bring it. Just be original. I don't wanna hear the fucking dumb shit that I hear over and over again. Be original. Don't be a hack. Get a chuckle out of me, and I do comment on 'em when it's a good one. Like, 'Oh, that one — that one's good.' We can make fun of ourselves."
On Twitter last month, Kael called B.S. on citizens threatening to leave the U.S. "No one cares about anything enough to pack up and move," he said. "When's the last time you actually packed your bags for anything longer than a brief vacation?"
Though Kael didn't name Billie Joe Armstrong, the tweet came after the Green Day singer told an audience he's prepared to renounce his U.S. citizenship.
"Too much fucking stupid in the world to go back to that miserable fucking excuse for a country," Armstrong said, prompted by last month's Supreme Court decision to overturn Americans' constitutional right to abortion.
FFDP dates are here; their LP AfterLife is out Aug. 19.
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