It's that time of year again. The time when one can fire up Spotify and get an entertainingly animated account of precisely which artists, songs and genres they listened to most throughout the year, courtesy of the media services provider. Are you ready to get your Spotify 2019 Wrapped?

Because it's not only the year that is coming to an end. Indeed, as our many metal and rock lists have shown, an entire decade is winding down as we exit the 2010s and head into the 2020s. To this end, Spotify has all the bases covered. Listeners can also delve into the My Decade Wrapped experience.

One doesn't need a subscription to find out what they listened to the most on Spotify this year. Although "Spotify Premium users will even get to go a little deeper, with access to additional personalized data stories and insights about their year," as the music streaming outlet revealed on Thursday (Dec. 5).

One new feature shows listeners where in the world the music they listen to comes from — literally. The World Citizen section tabulates artists' locales and presents the number of countries users have accessed in 2019.

Of course, that's in addition to the regular ranking of top artists, top songs, and the list of genres one has listened to the most. Spotify Wrapped will even break down the music users listened to according to season.

Ready to get started? Just go here to get your Spotify 2019 Wrapped. Since you're reading Loudwire, we'll go ahead and assume that your collection will include a lot of heavy metal and rock 'n' roll along with your personal combination of the many endless and exciting variants of those genres.

But should there be any doubt as to this particular writer's devotion to rock music, go ahead and take a look at my Spotify 2019 Wrapped below. Of course, this is just my own — it doesn't account for everyone at Loudwire. Trust me, they listen to a lot more black metal and death metal than I do.

For artists, there's also the Spotify Artist Wrapped experience for 2019. There, artists can access total fan hours streamed, highest number of fan streams per hour, number of countries where fans are based and more.

Philip Trapp's Spotify 2019 Wrapped


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