Dying Fetus Tour Dates With Misery Index, Arsis
On May 6, grind-prone death metallers Dying Fetus will launch a headlining tour in their native state of Maryland. The Metalsucks-sponsored Facemelter Tour will launch in Baltimore, with Misery Index and Arsis providing direct support to Fetus, whose sixth studio set, 'Descend into Depravity,' dropped last summer. The tour will also feature Annotations of an Autopsy and Conducting From the Grave, and will make 26 stops before grinding to a halt on Long Island June 6.
Dying Fetus bass-pounder Sean Beasley recently told Noisecreep he welcomes the addition of newer acts in the death metal scene, and that a little healthy competition has proven a good thing for the genre.
"Death metal definitely goes in phases where, every couple of years, it seems like death metal's coming back more and more, and more and more bands pop up," Beasley said. "But then, a couple of years go by, and it seems like the styles change again. This is just one of those times where more bands are popping up right now. It's cyclical. Every couple of years, a bunch of bands come out of nowhere...some of them disappear and some of them stick around. I mean, a couple of years ago, it seemed like death metal was dying out. But now, its not like that. Its pretty cool that that so many bands have popped up."
The Dying Fetus tour will be crisscrossing the states, and penetrating the northern border on a few occasions. Gigs are scheduled for Tampa, Fla., on May 8; New Orleans on May 9; Houston on May 10; Dallas on May 12; Pomona, Calif., on May 15; San Francisco on May 16; Seattle on May 18; Vancouver, BC, on May 19; Denver on May 21; Minneapolis, Minn., on May 24; Chicago on May 26; Detroit on May 29; Cleveland on June 4; and on June 5, in Pittsburgh.
Dying Fetus devastated fans during a recent stop in New York, where old school and newfangled fans alike had their proverbial butts handed to them.
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