Dimmu Borgir Warn Fans About Shady Tour Promoters
(Metal concert ticket) Buyer beware! Norwegian symphonic black metal beasts Dimmu Borgir would like to inform their worldwide fan base that they are not participating in any upcoming show with Six Feet Under promoted as the Metallennium Tour.
The band has no idea who is promoting these shows and would like to caution their fans against purchasing tickets to any tour date promoted as such. All confirmed, actual Dimmu Borgir shows will be posted on the band's official web properties, which you can bookmark here.
We're not sure who is trying to snooker Dimmu Borgir fans, but the band is doing its part to prevent that from happening any further. Whomever is promoting fake shows is going to have to face the wrath of Satan!
Watch 'Puritania' from Dimmu Borgir