Bleeding Through Guitarist Dave Nassie Offers Skype Guitar Lessons
As the old saying goes, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Well, Bleeding Through guitarist Dave Nassie, formerly of No Use for a Name, is doing both. The guitarist, who is admittedly "obsessed" with playing and does so during every waking moment, moonlights as a guitar teacher, offering lessons to students internationally via Skype.
"I started teaching when I was 14 and have been for a while," Nassie told Noisecreep. The guitarist has fully embraced Skype technology to help him get the most out of each teaching day. "The thing I find great about it is that it's a totally functional way to do a lesson, and I teach seven days a week," Nassie said.
"It's all I do when I am home and it keeps me grounded. I teach independently at home, and all my students come through word of mouth. I maxed out my schedule, so in order to get even more students, I realized that the best way to do it was later on in evening. I am already sitting at home playing anyway, during that time and early mornings, so I thought about doing lessons via Skype. Now I have students in Canada and all over the US, and I am starting to get some in Europe. It's a good way to work during the off hours, and a great way to get more students. It's logical, easy to do, and Skype functions well."
By using Skype, Nassie is able to jam with his students in real time without lag time or interruptions. Afterwards, he sends an HD video file of the lesson to his students. If you are interested in learning from a talented metal shredder, contact him at
Additionally, So Cal residents can attend Nassie's guitar clinic at The Music Factory, which is located at 1125 Victoria St. Ste. E, Costa Mesa, Calif., on Friday, April 8th at 7 PM. "It's a school that is part owned by Face to Face's drummer," Nassie said about The Music Factory. "I had talked to them about doing download-able lessons that were super inexpensive, like offering to teach techniques for a dollar. [So] I decided to do a clinic." Though Nassie hasn't done a clinic in 15 years or so, he is looking forward to it and will bring some special guests.
If you can't make it, check out Nassie's YouTube channel here. It has nabbed over 60,000 views in a week with almost no promotion.
As for Bleeding Through, they head to Australia to play with Parkway Drive next month. Otherwise, Nassie says, the band is writing and also enjoying a little bit of home life.
Watch the video for 'Line in the Sand'