Andrew W.K. Hosts Surprise One-Man Fashion Show in New York City
Well-known musician, television personality and motivational speaker Andrew W.K. recently surprised shoppers this past weekend in New York City's famous Herald Square. He tweeted his plans for a one-man sidewalk fashion show and announced big giveaways. Turns out, Andrew gave away 100 newly designed T-shirts and some booty shorts from his 'Party Store.'
"It was my gift-giving holiday party," Andrew remarked about his surprise fashion event. "Giving gifts is one of the best parts of partying. Giving gifts on the streets of Manhattan is a natural rush and long-lasting high."
The crowd wasn't necessarily comprised of all Andrew W.K. fans. Some folks were just wandering by and got to partake in some of the fun and free stuff. The craziness snarled sidewalk traffic for over two hours.
"One of the highlights was a group of dudes who traveled from Florida to visit New York for the first time ever," remarked Andrew after the event. "They weren't aware of the fashion show but had come to all of my concerts in Orlando since 2003 and just happened to walk across our path. It was like the Party Gods had intervened."
Andrew W.K. is currently working on a new album. It will be out next year.
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