The Shadow Theory's moody, semi-epic 'By the Crossroads' appears on 'Behind the Black Veil,' -- their new Iron Maiden/Black Sabbath-influenced album, which is due out Jan. 25 via Inside Out Music. The song is a mix of soaring vocals and doom-slathered guitars, resulting in an overall huge sound.

"One thing I can say about 'By the Crossroads' is that this is the first song I wrote as far as lyrics for this album," frontman Devon Graves told Noisecreep. "The music effortlessly inspired the vocal melody, particularly on the acoustic parts. This made it the first contender for my contributions. I am really happy with the result. We hope you like it, too."

Listen to 'By the Crossroads'

If you like epic, room-filling metal that shifts gears multiple times within the space of five minutes, then Graves' wish will come true.

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