On 'Frantic,' an urgent song from the much-maligned 'St. Anger' album, Metallica's James Hetfield barks, "My lifestyle determines my deathstyle," in what is quite possibly one of the most obvious song lyrics in the band's catalog. It's not exactly lyrical poetry and has inspired more than a few unintended chuckles. It's also the first thing we thought of when drummer Lars Ulrich, in an interview with the Sonisphere website, said that his main goal right now is to remain alive.

"Right now the main thing is to not have a heart attack on stage," the 46-year-old skinsman and father of three said. "That's the new goal."

Ulrich also said that he is "trying to stay healthy by eating well, working out and staying fit" and that in his "old" age, ahem, he is more interested in "songs and songwriting" than actually bashing the skins. He also revealed his love of the production side of making records.

When you're Lars Ulrich, those are luxuries you can afford ... twice.

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