Electro industrial band KillMatriarch and their video for 'Gunz' are like a street fight: short, visual, violent and something you can't look away from. There are fast bursts of images like bullets, battles, exploding water bottles and various fruits -- all of which are set against commanding female vocals and crunched beats that feel as immediate as your pulse. Additionally, KillMatriarch are of interest because the project features former System of a Down drummer Ontronik, who also fronted Apex Theory.

"Our friend Ben De Jong came up with it," Ontronik told Noisecreep about the concept. "We approached him to come up with what he thought would work, but we had specific themes in mind -- like war and battles -- which are general themes that run through what we do in general. The lyrics repeat, 'with your guns out,' so the idea of shooting guns and going insane with that concept was the catalyst for video."

Watch Kill Matriartch's 'Gunz' Video%VIRTUAL-globalVideoEmbed-{"videoIds":"517721255","width":"456","height":"357"}%

Ontronik believes that people are receptive to visual projects such as KillMatriarch -- which is sonically similar to Nine Inch Nails and Rammstein -- because "rock fans enjoy when performers or creative people truly believe, live and breathe what they are doing.

"We have darker themes of chaos and war and revenge and wrath and battle," he added. "It's all kinds of dark energies, even though 'dark' is defined by individuals of course. And I think rock and metal crowd leans toward that."

But Ontronik cautioned that you should "judge for yourself. Have a listen, and judge for yourself whether you like it or not."

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