Bringers of Disease traffic in blood-soaked and furious American black metal on 'Our Final Reward in Hell,' a song from their new EP 'Gospel of Pestilence.' Noisecreep has the premiere of the bitter and brutal song, which explores suicide and the lack of belief in an afterlife.

"'Our Final Reward in Hell' was the second song we wrote with the original line-up back around 2008 and 2009," vocalist Logan Madison told Noisecreep. "It was later re-worked with Jeff Wilson [formerly of Nachtmystium] when he was briefly in the band, and now the song exists as you hear it on the EP. Lyrically, the song is about suicide and a longing for death told through Satanic symbolism. It expresses my loathing towards existence and that I hold no belief in an afterlife."

Listen to 'Our Final Reward in Hell' by Bringers of Disease

While many extreme metal bands share that sentiment, Bringers of Disease drive the point home even harder with their nihilistic riffery and foreboding sonics. The 'Gospel of Pestilence' EP is out now via Translation Loss Records.

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