We’ve got the newest music video from psychedelic desert wanderers With Our Arms to the Sun. From their upcoming album, The Mogollon Monster, WOATTS are sharing a clip for “Meet You in the Light,” a post-metal feast from the Arizona band.

With Our Arms to the Sun chose to crowd fund their fifth independent release, successfully reaching their $5,000 goal with over 20 days to go. Fans can still pledge to grab a copy of The Mogollon Monster and a bunch of other goodies.

The music video was directed by Brian Burkhardt. Brian, who is a professional stuntman, has worked on many films and TV shows (most notably The Walking Dead) and has been working with the band producing new video content for the upcoming release collaborating with WOATTS, frontman Josh Breckenridge explains.

“’Meet You in the Light’ is a song about feeling like you are completely alone and the only place you can turn is inward to make peace with it. For me, personally, it’s a song about missing the past, places, and people who are not in my life anymore. It’s about accepting changes. The song came about when the band was overcoming a few major losses and we decided to just channel it all into our art and start over doing what we do best... creating,” says the singer.

"This band has always been the place where we take the struggles we are facing in our personal lives and insert them into the music," continues the vocalist. "Bring the pain there, leave it there in the songs, and hopefully the music will resonate with other people overcoming obstacles in their lives and help them move forward. The biggest epiphany at our age is knowing that someday, any day, we are going to die. It’s inevitable. No money or status will ever change that so we are choosing to create as many things as we can with what time we have left, and let that be our story when we are long gone. It might sound bleak but it is not meant to sound that way, it is more rooted in hope, and embracing that every moment we have here is a gift, and a chance to create. This is a recurring lyrical theme in all the new music.”

With Our Arms to the Sun, "Meet You in the Light"

Check out With Our Arms to the Sun’s new video for “Meet You in the Light” above and click here to grab a copy of The Mogollon Monster.

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