White Noise: News on Kiss, Danzig, Mutant Soldier, Soilwork and More
Ever wake up knowing your entire day was going to suck eggs? Yeah, us too. In fact, we have this sneaking suspicion today will be a nightmare, from start to finish. Perhaps not for you. Actually, chances are you'll have an amazing Friday, and a stellar weekend. At least we hope you do. We just happen to know that today's going to be the pits for us. Not that we want to get into it here, on the interwebs, because, well, this isn't therapy, it's metal. And that's what you came here for, no? So, enough about us and what kind of hell we're going to have to endure today, let's get to the metal news, shall we?
+ We love Glenn Danzig and all, but you've got to admit, this is one of the best videos ever. Unfortunately, the dude seen decking Danzig has lost his home. A devastating fire ripped through North Side Kings frontman Danny Marianino's Phoenix, Ariz. home on Wednesday (June 3). Danzig is not believed to be a suspect, as investigators believe the blaze was ignited by a backyard grill. It seems a leaky hose started a small fire that then spread to Marianino's abode. Firefighters caution that a conflagration like this should remind everyone to make sure their grill is in fine, working order.
+ Is there nothing this man won't sell? According to reports, Kiss bassist and Dr. Pepper spokesperson Gene Simmons auctioned off his kidney stone on eBay. The stone fetched $15,000, which Gene says will go to charity.
+ The Cleveland Scene is reporting that former Mutant Soldier singer Kevin "Sku" Skizenta died on Tuesday (June 2), following a long battled with leukemia. He was 40, and leaves a wife and two children. A huge Metallica and Testament fan, Skizenta even wielded a half mic stand, in tribute to Chuck Billy. "That band was everything to him," bassist Greg Van Krol said of his fallen brethren. "He was a metalhead. He was a good dude, a fair dude. He was always there for you."
+ Seattle's Nevermore plan to enter a recording studio in August with producer and Soilwork guitarist Peter Wichers to begin tracking the follow-up to 2005's 'This Godless Endeavor,' which should land in stores early next year.
+ If you like Soilwork for its vocalist Bjorn "Speed" Strid, then you're going to be thrilled to hear the dude's started a solo project, one he's yet to name. In addition to working on the new Soilwork disc, he says he "has somewhat of a clear picture in my head of how the music [for his solo project] will sound like. The sound is gonna be dirty, retro, classic rock with horns, strings and some spaced-out percussion."
+ Swedish glam rockers Crashdiet have a new singer. The dude's name is Simme (just Simme, apparently), and he used to be in a band called Jailbait. That's cool.
+ This video is just hilarious, in a super creepy way.
+ Trap Them, Saviours, and Skeletonwitch will be joining forces next month for the "Stone Dead For Summer" tour. The trek launches July 9 in Seattle, Wash. and dates are booked through July 24 in St. Louis, Mo.
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