We Came as Romans

Killer Lyrics:
We're broken statues / Vines intertwined around your insides / Hold you down

We Came as Romans strike a concretely positive chord in 'Broken Statues,' off of their debut Equal Vision release, 'To Plant a Seed,' using statues as an apt metaphor. "The lyrics to 'Broken Statues' parallel our lives to that of the conditions of statues," the band explained to Nosiecreep. "In any historic scene, movie, or picture, you always see those statues of men or women, arms have broken off, faces deteriorating, vines wrapped up around them."

In the late '90s and early 2000s, the trend for metalcore bands was to incorporate photographs of statues or statue-like images on the layout. It could have been a brief fit of nostalgia -- or an unconscious connection between deteriorated stone and aggressive music -- that spurred the tradition of a direction connection to the past via a physical object.

"It's so easy for our lives to start to look like that if we don't take care of each other, if we don't carry each other through tough times or try to restore and rebuild each other," the band also said. "Often times, we as people are too scared to reach out and ask for care or help, so in 'Statues,' we literally are demanding to help, to heal and to care."

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