Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor is expecting a child this October with his wife Mariqueen Maandig. As is expected with the often-reclusive Reznor, he has been silent on this news, offering no official statement. Conformation came by way of Maandig, who's also Reznor's bandmate in How to Destroy Angels. "There have been requests for photo shoots with these recent interviews, and I needed a good reason to decline," she admitted, discussing how she tried to keep the pregnancy secret.

With word of the baby now public, How to Destroy Angels have put plans for their forthcoming full-length on hold. Maandig's focus right now is on the baby. She said, "It's like here's a brand-new life and you're in charge of it, now go!"

Reznor and fellow How to Destroy Angels member Atticus Ross are currently composing the score for the upcoming film 'The Social Network,' director David Fincher's take on the founding of Facebook.

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