Tommy Lee Takes Aim at SeaWorld, AC/DC Get Synchronized Swimming Treatment + More News
Tommy Lee has written a letter to SeaWorld, asking the three parks to cease using Motley Crue music in the "Shamu Rocks" shows.
Orca whales are sensitive to sound, so being forced to perform tricks while heavy metal music blasts certainly messes with the animal's instincts and equilibrium. Lee teamed up with animal rights crusaders PETA for this letter, penning a funny yet wholly serious note to the park president, which you can read below.
Dear Mr. Reilly:
I just learned of the latest way that SeaWorld makes captive marine mammals miserable: "Shamu Rocks," a show in which orcas thrash around in tanks while rock music blares. I'm writing to ask you not to play any Mötley Crüe songs at any of SeaWorld's parks during this sad show. Although we like to torture the human fans who willingly come to our shows, we don't want to be a part of making innocent animals' lives hellish. I've learned from my friends at PETA that these marine animals are very sensitive to sound, as they communicate by sonar, and loud noises mess with their most basic instincts and drive them more nuts than they already are when trapped in your tanks.
Some experts say that a noise level of more than 70 decibels is considered too loud and nerve-racking for the animals. "Shamu Rocks" shows have reached 90 decibels. Whales are not head-bangers, so stop cranking the music and take one small step toward improving their welfare, as the Navy did, recently changing the course of loud ships that were heading into San Francisco to avoid interfering with the whales' migration. I'm among those who would like to see the dolphins and whales at SeaWorld moved to a coastal sanctuary, but at least give them some peace and quiet. Sincerely, Tommy Lee [Via PETA]
Watch 'Shamu the Orca at SeaWorld San Diego' Video
Red Fang are planning to tour in support of Murder the Mountain this fall, with Black Tusk supporting them on a bunch of dates which begin at the end of October and run through much of November. However, the sludge slingers have shared a video diary of a recent trek to Europe, which is part of an overall documentary shot by the band's "in house" director Whitey McConnaghy. The doc was sponsored by Converse and the first part runs just over five minutes, so you definitely want to watch Red Fang's machinations in Europe. It's highly entertaining. The live footage is pretty devastating. Just sayin'. [Decibel]
Blabbermouth got its hands on video footage (seen below) of the Australian synchronized swimming team performing along to a medley of AC/DC classics. The team ultimately landed in the 8th spot of the synchronized swimming Free Routine Final which happened on Friday, Aug. 10. [Blabbermouth]
Watch "Olympic Synchronized Swimming Team" Video
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