Tom G. Warrior Slams Metallica’s ‘Humiliating’ Celtic Frost Covers
In April of 2018 and May earlier this year, Metallica's Rob Trujillo and Kirk Hammett ran through Celtic Frost's "Procreation (Of the Wicked)" and "The Usurper" as part of their nightly "doodle" when performing in Switzerland. Celtic Frost frontman Tom G. Warrior was far from impressed, calling the versions "humiliating."
The singer / guitarist is notoriously his own biggest critic and his criticism isn't limited to just his own recordings and performances. He didn't mince words when offering his thoughts on Metallica's renditions of the Celtic Frost classics in an interview with Rolling Stone, stating, "They butchered it and it was humiliating. Why don’t they leave their millionaire fingers off it? They’ve long lost the ability to play true metal in my opinion."
Half-heartedly seeking some sort of restitution, Warrior quipped, "Maybe I should go onstage and do a really miserable version of [Metallica’s] ‘Hit the Lights’ with, like, 200 mistakes to set the balance."
His condemnation didn't stop there, turning his attention toward James Hetfield, who, as documented in the Some Kind of Monster film, went bear hunting in Russia. "This is completely personal, and I know probably the majority of your readers will not share this feeling, but even if they had done a fantastic job, I could puke all over it because I don’t support people who go hunting bears for a hobby," Warrior declared, noting, "I cannot respect a person like that, even if it’s a genius musician."
Watch the two "doodles" below and read the rest of the comprehensive piece covering the influence of Celtic Frost and Hellhammer here.
Meanwhile, Metallica's "WorldWired" tour continues and the group recently announced South American tour dates with Greta Van Fleet. For tickets, head here.
See Celtic Frost in the Top 80 Hard Rock + Metal Albums of the 1980s
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