There Was a Tool Question in Jeopardy’s ‘Greatest of All Time’ Competition
The adage goes, "Takes one to know one," and during last night's (Jan. 14) Jeopardy: The Greatest of All-Time champions challenge, we got a question about a musical champ -- Tool.
"In 2019, this hard rock band led by Maynard James Keenan released its first album in 13 years and it went to No. 1," was the clue read by host Alex Trebek, with James Holzhauer buzzing in with the correct Tool answer in the "Welcome Back, Boys" category.
The band's Adam Jones had a little fun with their inclusion in the final match of the weeklong challenge, captioning the shot, "Who is Hoobastank, Alex" in the comments, as seen below.
Holzhauer may have snagged $600 for answering the question correctly, but he ultimately came up short to Ken Jennings who completed his third victory of the tournament, taking home the "Greatest of All Time" title and trophy.
Tool earned plenty of accolades for their 2019 work, with the Jeopardy inclusion being the latest. Their Fear Inoculum album ended up being the highest selling rock album of the year.
The band recently resumed touring, playing their first shows of the new year. See what dates are coming up for the group here.
All Tool Songs Ranked
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