Megadeth Drummer Shawn Drover — Your iPod Is Showing
Megadeth Drummer Shawn Drover — Your iPod Is Showing
Megadeth Drummer Shawn Drover — Your iPod Is Showing
"I have always said that I like everything from Marduk to Mozart, and this pretty much proves it," Megadeth drummer Shawn Drover tells Noisecreep in reference to his 'Your iPod Is Showing' submission. He's not kidding. Drover's iPod list starts with Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons,' ends with Pat Travers' 'Gettin' Betta' and features a broad variety of classic rock, classic metal, neo-classi
W.A.S.P. Frontman Says Obama Reminds Him of Hitler
W.A.S.P. Frontman Says Obama Reminds Him of Hitler
W.A.S.P. Frontman Says Obama Reminds Him of Hitler
During the most recent presidential election, W.A.S.P. frontman Blackie Lawless threw his support behind Arizona Sen. John McCain's candidacy and publicly endorsed the Republican candidate. Of course, Lawless' man didn't win the highest office in the nation...
How Did the ‘Devil Horns’ Become the Universal Metal salute?
How Did the ‘Devil Horns’ Become the Universal Metal salute?
How Did the ‘Devil Horns’ Become the Universal Metal salute?
This weeks 'Ask The 'Creep' comes from Kristina, and she's looking for the origins of "devil horns" in the metal world. Long before the devil sign was used to piss off the parents and teachers of budding Metalheads, it was used to piss off superstitious Italians, for whom the 'corna' (Italian for "horns") was either a vulgar gesture or a way to throw someone the "evil eye.