new order

Orgy Planning a Comeback?
These days, it seems like every flash-in-the-pan band that ever had a radio single is getting back together for either a tour or a new album or both. Adema, Cold, Creed, Limp Bizkit have all returned from why shouldn't Orgy, those 'death pop' rockers responsible for the synth-heavy 1999 cover of New Order's 'Blue Monday' ...
Top 10 Musicians with Hair Metal Pasts
Top 10 Musicians with Hair Metal Pasts
Top 10 Musicians with Hair Metal Pasts
Here at Noisecreep, we embrace all the different subgenres that hard rock and metal have to offer. Whether it's the sacrilegious fury of Marduk or the thinking man's metal of Devin Townsend, we love bringing you all of the points of view and styles this music offers...