As soon as we'd recovered from the metal mayhem of Maryland Deathfest, a new presence has risen to darken the horizon. Hostile City Deathfest has entered its second year of existence, after last year's baptism in blood from Absu, Deicide, Anal C---, Master and more...
MDF Day One
The annual Maryland Deathfest takes place in Baltimore. It's like spring break for extreme metalheads, who travel from all over the world to watch underground bands for three days straight. The loud party started with grinders the Communion, Putrescence and Defeatist...
Oct. 17's show took place in Clifton's Dingbatz. The venue's younger brother, Dingo's Den, housed merch tables across the street. Deathgasm Records and Ibex Moon Records were just two of the many distros that could be found in the bright room...