Fall brings many things. The changing of the leaves. Labor Day barbecues. The Jewish High Holy Days. The Pagan celebration of Samhain. Razor blades in the apples. That's to say nothing of the ensuing global hysteria as we hurtle towards the Mayan calendar apocalypse on Dec...
Krallice are one of the most impressive American black metal bands, and the Brooklynites' new album 'Diotima' is an exercise in extreme, unpolished grimness. If you believe in the old guard when it comes to black metal, this album sounds like should have been birthed in Scandinavia...
Back in September, Atakke played at New York's Europa with Howl and Toxic Holocaust. Just seven months after Noisecreep reported their show, the death metallers were on the same stage again. This time around they opened the minds and clogged the ears of Brooklynites before Castevet, Krallice and Ludicra could get on stage...
On April 18, Ludicra graced Brooklyn, N.Y.'s Europa with one of the best shows this writer has seen to date (I've covered 100 or more for Noisecreep in the last year, too). The night started with Brooklyn's own Atakke and Castevet and ended with Krallice and Ludicra...
Child Abuse bassist Tim Dahl is a very busy musician. He just completed a live recording with the improv group tagged Barr, Shea, Dahl -- with Mick Barr of Ocrilim and Krallice and Kevin Shea of Talibam! Child Abuse drummer Oran Canfield recorded the live session...
New York City and Brooklyn in particular have rapidly developed into a metal mecca of a certain kind -- 'hipster metal' dominates, while the underground is left to its own diabolical devices. The N.Y.C. black metal scene is full of bands that embrace technicality, progression and more often than not, pretension...
"Can we get a volunteer to start our drum machine?" Justin Foley asked Friday night at Brooklyn, N.Y.'s Union Pool. Unlike many other humans I've come across, Foley and bassist Thad Calabrese don't have to try to hard to be funny. Since their enlistment in the Hydra Head army in 2003, they've put out some of the most unconventional press releases this writer has ever seen...
For the astutely aware, a Cleric full-length has been something of a long wait. But for those unaware of a band with this kind of dynamic compositions, please read on as well. 'Regressions' is the first proper long player from the Philadelphia-based act, who've released two self-produced EPs and the much-praised two-song 12-inch 'Cumberland...
Along with all things Kayo Dot, multi-instrumentalist Toby Driver has been especially busy this month. Venue owner John Zorn invited Driver to curate a month's worth of shows at The Stone -- something Driver says has taken him about a year to plan...