Daisy Rock Guitars founder Tish Ciravolo has the kind of voice that sounds like she's smiling. Her company's mission is to get girls to pick up guitars. "We want to have a girl guitar revolution," Ciravolo -- a bass player who has a metal background, having played in Lypstyck in Los Angeles in the late '80s -- told Noisecreep...
Superstar guitarist Slash recently announced his self-titled solo debut would hit stores April 6. Slash recruited a slew of musical celebrities to guest on his album, including the greatest shock rocker of them all, Alice Cooper. Of course, this isn't the first time Slash and Alice Cooper have worked together...
With a band named Nashville Pussy and albums titled 'Get Some,' 'Say Something Nasty' and, well, 'Let Them Eat Pussy,' we expected frontman Blaine Cartwright's iPod shuffle list to read like a porno mag. At the very least, we figured there'd be a bunch of sleazy, scummy biker metal on there...
Today's going to be a good day, because today, the Noisecreep crew's taping our second official podcast. We'll start rolling at 1 PM, and we'll be discussing all the week's big metal news, all the latest heavy releases and some of the dudes from Evile will even be in the studio to take part...