The world of metal and hard rock is full of outlandish folklore, tall tales, and other sales-boosting exaggerations. However, a few truly twisted musicians cut through the swaths of harmless debauchers and womanizing "bad boys" to show us that sometimes, it's not all just in good fun...
The phrase 'French black metal supergroup' seems like a contradiction in terms, but the members of five-piece Hell Militia have played in more bands collectively than everyone who has ever been in Megadeth. Just some of the former outfits of the Hell Militia men include: Malicious Secrets, Mütiilation, Od Sanctus, Satanicum Tenebrae, Vagézaryavtre, Arkhon Infaustus, Goatlord Corp., Temple of...
White Mice are sick -- and proud of it. The shadowy member who goes by the name Mouseeattoungue reflected on his fond Halloween memories, telling Noisecreep, "Our favorite night for 'grabassassination' -- that is -- grabbing ass in the dark...