Far mastermind Jonah Matranga and Rival Schools guitarist Ian Love have combined their talents in a new project they've dubbed I Is Another. You might also recognize the musicians' names from their time in other groups like New End Original, Burn, Cardia, among other projects...
Deftones frontman Chino Moreno has a new "cross" to bear in life! The vocalist has partnered with longtime friend, Far guitarist Shaun Lopez, on a thrilling new collaboration that they've dubbed Crosses †††. Better yet, the generous duo is giving away their debut EP for free on their Facebook page.
All you have to do...
The latest Deftones album, 'Diamond Eyes,' has been out for almost a year now and the band continues to support the album with one tour after another. More significantly, they're having a good time doing it. Any past drama involving personal issues, heavy drinking, or musical differences seems to be a thing of the past...
Refused's 'The Shape of Punk to Come' is largely considered a benchmark in the post-hardcore canon. The band eventually imploded, with ex-members going on to form the (International) Noise Conspiracy. Suffice it to say, nothing ever compared to 'The Shape of Punk to Come,' a record that Far singer Jonah Matranga, who had heard the music before its release, told me was going to change the musical l
Royal Family Clothing creates limited-edition T-shirts for bands like Whitechapel, Iwrestledabearonce, In This Moment, A Day to Remember and Coheed and Cambria, to name a few. And by limited-edition, they really mean limited-edition, with only 300 pieces produced...
In 1999, Sacramento rockers Far, the band behind 1990s cult classic, 'Water and Solutions,' called it quits. Part of the reason for the split, according to guitarist Shaun Lopez, was frontman Jonah Matranga's desire to branch out on his own, as a solo artist...
For years, fans of Far have wanted the band to set aside its differences and reunite. If a reunion yielded a new disc, that would have been great. But for most of those fans, they just wanted the band to play a few shows. The good news is, the band's almost done mixing its comeback LP, and will probably tour around the record's release early next year...
This week, Noisecreep lured Far guitarist Shaun Lopez from his own Airport Studio in Sacramento, Calif., where the reunited band has just finished mixing six new tracks, which will be on their as-yet-untitled record, to be released most likely in early 2010...