Whatever Happened to Rock + Metal's Class of 1984?Whatever Happened to Rock + Metal's Class of 1984?They were starting in their various forms in 1984. Some had Rock Hall careers, others were hot for a moment.Chad ChildersChad Childers
The Second Best Song of 10 One Hit WondersThe Second Best Song of 10 One Hit WondersYou know the big song, but what about the rest of their music?Chad ChildersChad Childers
40 Big Rock + Metal Albums Turning 40 in 202440 Big Rock + Metal Albums Turning 40 in 2024'Where's the beef?' Right here, as 1984 was stacked with great music.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Rock + Metal Bands You Didn't Realize Are Turning 40 in 2023Rock + Metal Bands You Didn't Realize Are Turning 40 in 2023Four decades of existence.Lauryn SchaffnerLauryn Schaffner
Autograph Drummer Keni Richards Dead at 60Autograph Drummer Keni Richards Dead at 60There's sad news to report as Keni Richards, the original drummer for '80s rockers Autograph, has passed away at the age of 60.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Autograph, ‘Turn Up the Radio’ — Killer VideoAutograph, ‘Turn Up the Radio’ — Killer Video Band: Autograph Song: 'Turn Up The Radio" Album: 'Sign In Please' Released: 1984 Download Autograph Songs Noisecreep StaffNoisecreep Staff