
Abominable Iron Sloth’s Justin Godfrey Pans for Gold
Abominable Iron Sloth’s Justin Godfrey Pans for Gold
Abominable Iron Sloth’s Justin Godfrey Pans for Gold
Abominable Iron Sloth vocalist and guitarist Justin Godfrey isn't just a talented metal musician. He also pans for gold! He even gave Noisecreep the 411 on the process. "You just have to dig three or four feet down, preferably on the downstream side of something like a large rock or tree stump," Godfrey told Noisecreep...
Former Skeletonwitch Bassist Carries on With Gypsyhawk
Former Skeletonwitch Bassist Carries on With Gypsyhawk
Former Skeletonwitch Bassist Carries on With Gypsyhawk
It's been a long few years for former Skeletonwitch bassist Eric Harris working to assemble his post-'Witch plans after relocating to Los Angeles unexpectedly late in the summer of 2008. Sure, a few plans didn't pan out, but Harris has stepped up to the mic -- with bass in hand -- and established Gypsyhawk, an L...
Noriega Gets the Eyehategod Stamp of Approval
Noriega Gets the Eyehategod Stamp of Approval
Noriega Gets the Eyehategod Stamp of Approval
When a band is able to land a support gig for Eyehategod after only a handful of prior live outings, then one could comfortably assume they're pretty dang heavy. Of course for Los Angeles' Noriega, it probably doesn't hurt that three quarters of the band spent time garnering some attention both Stateside and abroad in the extreme metal scene in the now-defunct Black Sheep Wall...