Steven Tyler Dishes on the New Aerosmith Album, J.Lo and Carrie Underwood (EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW)
Noisecreep recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Aerosmith to talk about their much-anticipated new album, Music From Another Dimension!
We'll have a detailed album review for you well before its Nov. 6 street date, but right now we'll tell you that we can't stop playing the damn thing! It's no surprise since Aerosmith told Noisecreep they treated Music From Another Dimension! as their potential last record and that they wanted to finish big.
Over the course of the rambling discussion, which took place in Los Angeles earlier this week, the band talked at length about how important this album was and is to them. In advance of the full interview, we thought we'd share some thoughts from the band's iconic frontman, the fast-talking, hyper-preaching badass himself, Steven Tyler.
In conversation, Tyler acts just as he performs onstage: with jet-fuel energy, intense creative passion and wild, and a stream-of-consciousness riffing style of speaking.
On the new Aerosmith album:
"When we do an album, one of our secrets is to 'overdo.' That way it's not just nine songs. We always overwrite. For every album there's 20 songs, and usually five that we don't use, and might get used for the next record. But this time we used them all. It's great for people that listen to a whole album. It will be interesting to see how kids listen to it. I hope they listen to it as a record.
On dueting with Carrie Underwood on the new Aerosmith song, "Can't Stop Loving You":
"I sang the song a little country. One of the guys in the band said, 'You need to re-sing it. You're singing it too country. I said, that's how I wrote it! Marty [Frederiksen, co-writer] and I were just talking about it, you know, if it gets on the radio, it sounds like a country song, 'Why not get one of them thar people to sing on it?' [affecting a country accent]. I called Carrie up because she's a friend of mine. She was in L.A., but she was leaving that next morning and I said, 'Ooh, get over here quick!' The rest is history. She sang on it, and it's perfect. It's one of those moments that just is."
On leaving American Idol:
"The producers are just watching. Always thinking of how to make it greater the next year. I called Randy and said, 'What's going on, am i getting thrown off?' He goes, 'They haven't called me, I don't even know if I am!' And I call J.Lo and she goes, 'I don't know what I'm doing.' So there was a month of 'Huh?' Finally one day I just went, 'This don't feel right. I'm quitting now.' And the next morning Jennifer quits! So what does that tell ya? It just didn't feel right, and there wasn't enough money to pay me to stick around and not go out with Aerosmith. I said, 'What would you rather do? A show called American Idol, that's been around 10 years? Or go with your band that's been together for 40 years?"
On his memorable Idol moments:
"Sitting next to J.Lo, the stuff we spoke about during commercial breaks, which you guys will never know - it made me blush. She was very something else. She would just make me blush then it would be, '3-2-1' [composes himself]. She would just put me in my place. I loved her. When I cussed the whole place would go, 'Whooooah,' and I went, 'What? Are you fucking kidding?' I even said once, even though they just bleeped me, everyone at home said the word they just bleeped. And they couldn't bleep that. And I was right!"
On the timing of doing the show:
"When I look back, it was magic. I did have that accident onstage. And those guys [the rest of Aerosmith] were angry because it was a great tour and I was angry. It was a great tour and I fucked it up by falling off the stage. I know what I did. And so they were angry at me and I didn't get back to them, and so they started to look for other lead singers, which pissed me off even more, which made me go look at Idol because I wasn't sure what I was gonna do. It was just perfect the way it went. It was not nice at the moment and I was totally incensed that a lot of those guys didn't call me back, but I had done something to them. It's just the boys club, we can be rough with each other."
Watch Aerosmith's 'Legendary Child' Video
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