Miss May I have not let up one bit, from hitting the road right after high school to getting their sophomore album, 'Monument,' out just a little over a year after their full-length debut. The Ohio metalcore act waits for no one.

Filmed at Mansfield Prison -- which was also used for the exterior shots of the film 'The Shawshank Redemption' -- 'Relentless Chaos' brings in the essence of solitude and defiance until the end that marks the song.

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Frontman Levi Benton plays the role of the accused, waiting for his final release as he is put to the electric chair -- and he doesn't go quietly at all. A very fitting imagery to match lyrics like "emery stones demonstrate and achieve what I wanted/relentless chaos is all that has been"

Miss May I are set to hit the road with Whitechapel in October.

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