‘Mayhem Goes Pink’ Raises Over $6500 for Breast Cancer Awareness
In addition to all the great bands on this year's Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival, many worthy charities also participated, including the Keep a Breast Foundation, whose motto is 'I Love Boobies.' Organizers are happy to announce that the 'Mayhem Goes Pink' promotion at the Chicago stop raised $6,780 toward breast cancer awareness.
The money was raised in a variety of ways, including through Live Nation/Mayhem Festival ticket donations, fan donations and merchandise sales. The generous dudes in Battlecross also donated $1 from each CD sale in two markets, in addition to the money raised in Chicago.
In the recap video above, several band members who participated in Mayhem talk about the organization and the cause. You'll see interviews with Five Finger Death Punch, Amon Amarth, Children of Bodom, Emmure, Motionless in White, Butcher Babies, Job for a Cowboy, Battlecross, Thrown into Exile and City in the Sea.
One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Out of all cases of breast cancer, one in 233 occur in women age 39 and younger. Keep A Breast provides support for young people impacted by cancer and educate people about prevention and early detection. They also help raise awareness about cancer-causing toxins in our everyday environment.
Heather Sorrenty from Keep a Breast ran the group's Traveling Education Booth at Mayhem, and shared this story on their blog: "Every day I would set up in a new city and I got to meet a ton of new people -- including Teresa from Nampa, Idaho. She stopped by the Traveling Education Booth during the first week of Mayhem and shared her story with us. She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at 27 years young. She has been in remission for 3 years now! Hooray Teresa!"
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